Tagged: wildcat offense

No let up in senseless attacks of Tim Tebow

Yahoo! Sports

After years of swirling around Tim Tebow, the vultures now have something else to pick on.

It’s barely a scrap, if that, for holier-than-Tebow critics who have been foaming at the mouth to dig up a granule of dirt on the man ever since he announced he was still a virgin.

So as reports surfaced that Tebow informed New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan that he didn’t want to be a part of the wildcat offense in Sunday’s game against the San Diego Chargers, apparently angry at being passed over for the starting quarterback job in place of maligned Mark Sanchez, the vultures closed in.

He’s a “fraud,” a “loser” and, as ESPN’s Merril Hoge declared, is as “phony as a three-dollar bill.”

Full story: Yahoo! Sports