Tagged: RG3

Mike Shanahan pranks RG3 with fake call to get in the game

Yahoo! Sports

That wacky Mike Shanahan! The Redskins coach is such a prankster. During Monday night’s preseason game against the Steelers, Kirk Cousins had to leave the game early with a foot injury. And who was on the sidelines? Why, the still-recuperating Robert Griffin III, of course, all ready to go in, coach!

Griffin won’t be playing this preseason as he recovers from knee surgery, but that didn’t stop Shanahan from getting RG3’s hopes up with a little “wanna get in there?” goof. And Griffin bit, hard. He and his teammates laughed it off, but you never know … any more Redskin QBs hit the turf, and Shanahan might have to speed up RG3’s return.

Full story: Yahoo! Sports

Seattle’s Richard Sherman sends the Redskins into the offseason with a scuffle and a wave

Yahoo! Sports

There’s nothing worse than losing a game that you know you could have won. Based on the early minutes of Sunday night’s Seattle-Washington playoff, the Redskins could have won if RG3 hadn’t slowly broken down to RG2, RG1 and RG0.5. So you can’t really blame Washington for being a bit ticked off at how the evening ended out.

Then again, the scoreboard is the scoreboard. So when the Redskins’ Trent Williams, apparently fed up with the yapping of Seattle’s Richard Sherman, tried to get a little physical during the postgame handshakes, the Seahawks cornerback had the ultimate comeback. That bye-bye taunt is going to live in D.C. infamy forever.

(You may recall, of course, that the Redskins’ Kedric Golston called Sherman a “cheater” just a few days ago. Perhaps that may have gotten under Sherman’s skin a tad.)

Full story: Yahoo! Sports