Tagged: Oscar Pistorius

Pistorius’ brother faces culpable homicide count

ESPN.com|Associated Press
The brother of Olympic star Oscar Pistorius is facing a culpable homicide charge for a 2008 road death, compounding problems for the family after the double-amputee runner was charged with premeditated murder in the Feb. 14 shooting death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
Full story: ESPN

Pistorius hearing told of ‘shots, screams, more shots’

BBC News

A witness heard gunshots, screaming, and then more shots fired at the home of athlete Oscar Pistorius on the night Reeva Steenkamp was killed, a police officer has said.

Day two of his bail hearing in Pretoria also heard police suggest Mr Pistorius could be a flight risk.

He denies the premeditated murder of Ms Steenkamp, his girlfriend, saying he mistook her for an intruder.

A full trial of the Paralympic star, 26, is not expected for months.

However, allegations of what happened on Valentine’s Day last week have continued to emerge in the packed courtroom.

Full story: BBC News

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Oscar Pistorius: South Africa stunned by murder charges

Nike: No plans for Oscar Pistorius in future ads

Yahoo! Finance

Nike said Monday that it has no plans to use Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius in future ad campaigns after the South African sports star was charged with murder in the shooting death of his girlfriend.

Nike Inc. spokesman KeJuan Wilkins confirmed the shoe company’s plans to The Associated Press. He declined to say whether Nike had previously had any plans for Pistorius, or whether it will pull current advertising that includes him.

Pistorius is a double-amputee who races on carbon-fiber blades and competed in the London Olympics last year. He has been charged with shooting and killing his girlfriend in his South Africa home.

Full story: Yahoo! Finance

TV show with Pistorius’ dead girlfriend airs

JOHANNESBURG (AP) – Reeva Steenkamp’s last wish for her family before she was shot dead at boyfriend Oscar Pistorius’ home was for them to watch her in a reality TV show that went on air in South Africa on Saturday night, two days after her killing.
Full story: NBCSports