Tagged: Bill Belichick

The New England Patriots might be the most exciting team ever

USA Today

Win or lose, and it was the latter on Sunday, the New England Patriots are a constant NFL thrill ride. Of the 14 games Bill Belichick’s team has played in 2013, eight have featured last-minute, bite-your-nails, edge-of-your-seat adrenaline-rush finishes, including in each of the last five weeks. If ever there was an argument to be made against the NFL’s rule of teams only having five primetime games per season, it’s this year’s Patriots. They’re a guaranteed show every time out.

Full story: USA Today

Belichick on Hernandez: It’s ‘sad, sad day’

ESPN.com|Mike Reiss
In his first comments since Aaron Hernandez was charged with murder, Patriots coach Bill Belichick expressed remorse, saying it was a “sad, sad day” and that he was “shocked and disappointed” that one of his players was connected to a situation like this.
Full story: ESPN